Taking Control of Your Website

You spend days perfecting your website. The last thing you want is to lose control when your website contractor goes bust. When situations like this happen, it incapacitates the business.

You are stuck with the option of choosing between updating content or performing security updates to the system at a time.

CI/CD Pipeline

Cloudvanti gives you full control of your website by providing a Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline. This ensures that all the codes of your websites are kept with you in your source code repository (GIT).

You have total control of all source codes.

Team of CMS / Security Experts

To top it off, we have a team of CMS / Security experts who can help you iron out any issues with your CMS.

Should you require any assistance with your systems, you can always leverage our team of professionals to assist.

Keeping Your Website Safe is Keeping Your Users Safe

Employing incompatible security solutions not only costs you millions of dollars but could potentially cause irreversible damages to your business.

You are only as secure as the last attempted hacking.

Security is Important

  • The connection between the user and your website could be compromised whenever you leave your resources unprotected. Have you addressed all of the potential vulnerabilities of your website?
  • Vulnerabilities where intrusion can happen range at any point from a compromised machine of the user or their ISP to your website

But Nothing Happened to My Website

Hackers attack discretely. You might be under a false sense of security until it is too late.

"Hackers broke into Nortel's computer networks and for nearly 10 years, downloaded proprietary technical papers, research-and-development reports, business plans, employee emails, and other important documents."

Nortel's attack went unnoticed for almost 10 years.

A Security Breach is Costly

There are excessive financial costs to recovering from a security breach:

  1. Getting your site back online
  2. Lost income
  3. Hackers hold your valuable data ransom

But that is not all. Other more irreversible damages that could happen which cannot be easily resolved even through financial means include:

  1. Reputation and credibility
  2. Being deindexed by Google
  3. Loss of customer trust


Cloudvanti Secured Infrastructure

Cloudvanti comes packaged with our security solutions that have kept the Singapore Government's 700 plus websites up and going.

  1. Network Security
    1. Rapid Protection against website application vulnerabilities, DDoS, and botnet attacks
    2. Enforced security rules at the edge with real-time insights
  2. Security Operations
    1. Defacement Monitoring of Websites
    2. Security Monitoring of suspicious activities, i.e. failed logins, website updates, etc.

Security is Big Business

According to HackerOne, white hat hackers had earned over $19 million in bounties in the year 2018 alone.

Cloudvanti is developed by Xtremax. As the Singapore Government's platform of over 700 websites, Xtremax participated in the Singapore Government's bug bounty programs in 2017, 2018, and 2019.

Ready to give your website the security it deserves? Subscribe to Cloudvanti and safeguard your online assets today.

Why You Should Care About Website Performance

Performance is about Website Success.

Believe it or not, website performance plays a huge role in the sucess of your online venture.

Consider the following:

  1. Pinterest increased sign-ups by 15 percent when they reduced their wait times on their site by 40 percent
  2. Owners of sites earned up to twice as much ad revenue when their sites load within 19 seconds, DoubleClick by Google said

With so much at stake, it is no wonder more brands are taking website optimization seriously.

A successful marketing campaign does not stop at the increase in traffic to your website. The last thing you want for the congestion is to slow down their loading time.

When a website is optimized for the user's experience, it leads to a higher conversion rate.

Curious as to how your website is performing?

Here is a simple tool to get a rough idea of how your site is performing: Speedtool

Want to know how you can increase your website's performance? Get in touch with us to learn more.